Welcome to the FAQs page. Find answers here to many asked questions.

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How do I look up my current, past, or mid-shipping orders?

Log in to your account, your Order History should pull up first thing. Find your order you're wishing to look at, and click on that order's order # for details.

Where's my order or package?

You should be receiving emails with updates, from a receipt of your order you placed, to confirming it's fulfilled, and another to show it's shipped. It also should update you when delivered. If none of these are working or notifying you, be sure you didn't click in those emails about stopping to receive these notices.

Why do items take a bit longer to receive, whereas other sites provide shipping within overnight, 2 days, etc.?

Please keep in mind, we don't hold any physical inventory. At least not right now. Our suppliers already have the space of warehouses everywhere. There's no reason to add more space for inventory at this time. When you place an order, we get those orders to the suppliers as soon as possible. We expect the suppliers to send those items to you directly, cutting out the amount of time from the supplier to you as best as possible. But depending on where the warehouse is located, you could receive things within a couple of days, or it may take 20 days. We're also working on trying to minimize this by getting the suppliers to offer more shipping options to select from for faster deliveries. Again, these are products other sites usually don't carry, and we have a lot of stock to work with versus others. We'll do our best to get you your products in a timely manner. As we grow, so should our shipping options, and shipping times.

I'm looking for something more specific, but I'm not finding it on your site, does this mean you don't or won't carry the item?

Absolutely not! We're still adding products nearly daily. But if you are looking for something specifically, please reach out to us, we sometimes have the ability to add it to the site on the spot. Or at least within 24 - 48 hours. Reach us by visiting the site and finding the Messenger Icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Or email us at Sales@MendableLLC.com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

I'm finding a product in many categories, why is that?

Many of our items have been researched and analyzed to know exactly where they should be categorized as. This means one thing could easily go into one category, whereas the next item just might fit in 2 or more categories. Just keep in mind, if it's in many categories on the site, it's still the same 1 product, not many instances of the product.

I can't remember the password to my account, and the "Forgot Password" doesn't seem to be working. What do I do from here?

If you're having no luck at all, please reach out to us on the site, by finding the Messenger Icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Or email us at Accounts@MendableLLC.com to ask for help. Please provide your First and Last name, email used with your account. This will help us find it and help start the reset password process.